Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nuclear vs Windmill

Despite of what's happening in Japan, Nuclear Power is way safer than any other types of energy generator.

Nuclear power related fatalities : 7
Windmill power related fatalities : 52

Nuclear is way way safer and healthier than oil, coal, or wind mill power generators. Don't let ignorant greenies tell you some crap. Since, they know so much that aren't so.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oil & Double Dip Recession

Story that's attached to this blog says that if the oil hits $140, US could be double dip recession as if US hasn't already. But, let's suppose that's true that we will hit recession with $140 oil price. What can US do? nothing.

Many people are wishing and hoping for some eureka moment where some scientist discovering the magic energy source that's clean and pure that Greenies want.

Greenies want no oil, no coal, no gas, no nuclear, and no to everything. They like hybrid cars but they conveniently ignore that those batteries are mined which they hate. As population grow world wide, US is doing nothing on energy exploration. Their ethanol energy plan is disaster while creating food shortages and higher energy usages while improving nothing. Many of the Greenies live in larger houses, eat more, do more energy spending activities, and drive longer. Now, personally, I don't care what other people do. But Greenies do. They want to regulate others to use less energy while they use more. What would Greenies do if the oil goes up to $140. People who are not making a lot of money will suffer, obviously. Wait staffs make $2.13 per hour while earning average of $40 to $80 on tips. Despite, Greenies will rejoice while complaining about the gas prices. January 2009, the gas price was under $2 per gallon. Now, it's near $4. Where are the emails about boycotting Exxon for a week? Where are the protesters? It was phony issue back then and it is a phony issue for them now.



Al Gore Energy Usage


Gas Price

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Let's Leave Children Behind

Yes, 82% of US schools will be failing due to President Bush's No Child Left Behind law. Apparently, the law is too tough for US schools.
"No Child Left Behind is broken and we need to fix it now," Duncan said in a statement. "This law has created a thousand ways for schools to fail and very few ways to help them succeed."
I agree with Duncan. We should find ways for these schools to pass, like the Health Care Reform Wavers. If schools are inner city schools that has many disadvantage students, we should let these students pass at 30 or 40 points instead of 70 points that's required by the law, lowering the standard of course. This is how everything gets done in school systems, why make this an exception.
Duncan said the law has done well in shining a light on achievement gaps among minority and low-income students, as well as those who are still learning English or have disabilities. But he said the law is loose on goals and narrow on how schools get there when it should be the opposite.
Duncan apparently implies that minority students and people with low income are stupid. Duncan isn't saying that they are smart. So, Duncan wants minority and low income students to pass at - I don't know, like at 10 points instead of 70 points.
"We should get out of the business of labeling schools as failures and create a new law that is fair and flexible, and focused on the schools and students most at risk," Duncan said.
Yes, Duncan... We are all winners. No labeling. Such labeling can hurt their self-esteem. We need to call failing students as passing students. In fact, we should call them as excellent students, give them all A's via affirmative action. Maybe, they can go to Harvard Law School and become the President of US in the future like your boss. Excellent idea.

Chinese or Indian students in their country are mostly from poor households. In fact, weighing their income with USA income standard, they mostly live under severe poverty. I wonder whether they all fail. How do they even manage to get up in the morning? Can they walk and chew gum at same time? They are probably very stupid since they are from low income households.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Lookie, who is expanding the freedom of expression

I love when politicians make laws preventing people from doing things - regulations - specially with cameras and gadgets. I love when these gods make laws in order to teach everyday morons how to speak, how to eat, how to behave, and so on. I love it.

I am still waiting for them to pass laws that teaches how people should take poop. San Francisco already passed law that teaches how people should flush toilet. So, we are very close for this pooptastic law.

Wisconsin Protesters Improve the State Budget

Protesters have caused $7.5 million damages to the State Capitol in order to improve the state's budget. Fabulous...

"She said certain kinds of tape can leave lasting residues on surfaces such as marble or wood if they are improperly removed. But she said only a professional cleaning service experienced in such work and familiar with the situation in the state Capitol could estimate any possible costs.

“They need a quote from a company that specializes in cleaning historic surfaces,” Curran said."

I hope that these cleaners use eco-friendly stuffs... Because that's cool.

Protesters are planning to do bigger protests in Wisconsin, and protesters in other states are planning to do the same kind of budget improving protests. I am a big fan of these protests. Fantastic...


Riches Inside the Gate

CEO of Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Salary: $632,333 in 2009
CEO of Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) Salary : $369,514 in 2009
Kevin Klose, president emeritus of NPR: $1,200,000 in 2009
Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell: $956,513 in 2008

Me: Not so much


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mining Death and Comparison.

I was right about the mining accidents and deaths, even when I didn't know the actual numbers. Because, mining related accidents and deaths were obvious to me. If there were a lot of death, media wouldn't talk about it. But, since there are so few, media sensationalizes the mining news as if mining incidents are somehow more worthy news than other news. The fact is, mining accidents are rare, and that’s why the Main Stream Media, ABC/CBS/NBC hype stories up.

MSBNC’s Mining Story by Rachel Maddow

[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-PTgbYa58M ].

"… it's really really really important..,” says Rachel Maddow. Everybody knows risk of mining, even with those risks; deaths and injuries are very low compared to other activities. She is merely hyping up the story to make a story for her show. Here, she has no perspectives. Her viewers left to think that mining operators are cruel and they want to kill workers to make extra money, and they violate these safety rules on purpose to save money. This is further from the truth. Mining has gotten safer every year. In 1940s, there were about 1,500 deaths with 70,000 injuries due to mining. In year 2006, there were 69 deaths and 11,800 injuries. Mining industry is doing everything they can to minimize human casualty and loss due to such incidents. Here she is talking about mining operators are some uncaring villain. Mining companies are making work place safer not because they are good people versus bad people. Incidents at work place are like a friction force that needs to be taken out, it’s a simple math. N + Ff = W, Normal Force + Friction Force = Work. Extra work here is a cost in terms of time/effort/energy. Unlike what she is presenting here, the fact says otherwise. You can't have deaths and accidents going down such rate while same time talking about it as if it is a death trap. In fact, mining is safe than most activities. It’s not a pretty job but a lot of jobs aren’t pretty either: Crab fishing, farming, day care, etc..


I wonder whether Rachel Maddow has done story about bicycling, alcohol drinking, or sex related deaths and injuries. 240 people die every year due to construction related accidents. Approximately, 700 people die due to recreational bicycle riding every year with 52,000 injuries. Over 20,000 people die over sex related behaviors. Over 100,000 die due to alcohol consumption related accidents. In perspective, mining is far safer than other economic and none economic activities

Here, she cites all these violations, .. then what? These violations are something that happens. People get traffic tickets all the time. Like Fannie and Freddie, all this happened while there were regulations like the BP gulf incidents? After this report, what is Rachel going to do? Nothing... she will go on to another report targeting another company to fill up her stories. Rachel Maddow is being nothing more than a character of the drive-by-media.

What is drive-by-media?

The Drive-By Media. It's a like a drive-by shooter except the microphones are the guns, and they drive into groups of people they report a bunch of totally wrong libelous stuff about people. They create a giant mess. Sometimes people get really harmed. They go out and try to destroy people's careers. Then they get in the convertible, head on down the road and do it all over again.


Robbery in convenient stores






[ homicide : http://www.athenaresearch.com/research/bls_workplace_violence_2006.pdf ]










Alcohol & Sex



