Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Conversation with AlexP on 10/31/2007 9:50:11 AM:

Me: a proof that almost all NPR/PBS hosts/radio shows are liberal 'Car Talk' hosts back tougher fuel economy standards. Because this is the program that you sited as non-liberal program. Even they align with the liberal ideas.
AlexP: this is your proof?
AlexP: it's like saying if I jump from building, I can't fly, therefore people can't fly
AlexP: arnold backs tougher standards for cars
AlexP: states back tougher emissions standards than white house
AlexP: they are trying to pass their own deals since there are not federal people stepping in
AlexP: you can be conservative and back tougher fuel standards also
Me: why are they proposing on building a tougher standard?
Me: who are these people that makes them experts?
Me: why are "they" regulating banks, commerce, internet, technologies, energies, ?
Me: why?
Me: why is Chucky Schemer regulating education or whatever?
Me: what makes him expert.
Me: I think, if people wanted a more fuel efficient car, market will produce one
Me: the idea that these people can just snap a finger and sign something on a dotted lines and things will happen.. It’s patently ridiculous
Me: why do we automatically assume that these are good...
Me: what's "tougher"
Me: why don't they make the 18 wheelers zero-emission vehicles by next year... I mean. That’s "tough" isn't it
Me: idea that "tougher" is better is stupider than boiling air.
Me: and who are these car talk jerks?
Me: are they going to buy our cars for people?
Me: if he wanted to save the environment.. What they should do is to smash their cars.. and destroy it.. don't resell it or trade in. Because, if they trade-in their car, it will just end up at someone’s else garage.
Me: they should ride bicycles everyday
Me: and take a shower once a week.
Me: With cold water
Me: 2 gallon max
Me: they, the car talkers are just liberals hiding as journalist on a commercial free NPR program
Me: shows like wouldn't exist in a real market.. unless it is on some xm satellite radio thing off of a channel 999
Me: maybe some 86.5FM/community station...
Me: these are vocalized mobs..
Me: they don't really contribute anything to anything... they just talk.. and they aren't the majority
Me: these vocal self-anointed no-do-gooder minorities are making/proposing policies
Me: I mean... why don't they make a law where it says everybody’s computer should come up with the 4098 bit encryption software to make everything "safe" or "tough" to crack... and all the input devices like mouse/keyboard is 100% carpel tunnel syndrome proof... and.. PC should come with 30" LCD monitor... because CRT is tough on eyes... in the name of getting "tough" everybody should have 30" LCD monitor at least. It’s call a ToughPC.
Me: and who pays for these?
Me: Universal ToughPC Program (UTPCP)
Me: pay for by the government
Me: and.. maybe.. they can add that they are doing this for the children.
Me: and women
Me: and seniors
Me: maybe, seniors should get $5000 computer every 3 years with their social security
Me: I think people feel more secure with these tough PCs, don’t you.

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