Monday, April 21, 2008

Re:'s anti-CNN imagery is violent

My Response to "'s anti-CNN imagery is violent" on C|NET Article

Communists/Socialists do not tolerant criticisms. In fact, they are intolerant and closed minded bunch. They like to demonstrate while chanting silly phrases with drums and tambourine. They are cowards. Whether they are in China, Europe, or America. They demonstrate against people who won't do anything to them but they will not demonstrate against true evils of the world. You will rarely see them demonstrating against China, Sudan, Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, or Zambawe. When they do demonstrate, they do in a safety of modern capitalized western society that they hate so much where there are no consequences of their demonstrations. You don't see these brave Mercedes Marxists demonstrating in China for the country human rights issues? You don't see these brave Mercedes Marxist HRC demonstrating in Egypt for equal rights. What these groups do is have running, cycling, or walking to bring awareness. But that's it. That's all they do. They rarely do more then bring awareness to the topic. Most of the time, their actions are very superficial but can be dramatic.

If you can recall, when Saddam was in Iraq, CNN didn't do negative reporting in order for them to stay in Iraq. What it says is that CNN cow tows to dictators around the world in order for them to profit/benefit instead of reporting news. Now, this Jack Cafferty guy who said "goons and thugs" says that he was talking about the government, not the people. Aren't the CNN equates people with government. For CNN, are there difference between people and the government. In fact, it is called "People's Republic of China." Thus, it's "People's Republic." CNN should do more research before it says anything. Obviously, it doesn't.

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