Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Self Determination

The idea of self-determination has been around for a long time, and it is the basis for USA and why USA even exists. Like everything else, there are faults to USA but in large part, USA is very very good, and no other countries can hold candle to USA.

These laws and more laws on top of already heavily padded laws prevent self determination. These laws are beget from more government. Everyday, more the US congress acts, more laws they create, more self determination they take away from individuals, smaller the individuals get. there is a inverse relations regarding the laws and individual free to chose, act, or do whatever. That's why there are only 10 commandments. Our Congress is more brilliant, more wise, and more clever than God, so, they creates hundreds of laws every single day. The bigger the government, more things that these "law makers" have to do where more laws are made. Most of their "helping the little guy" laws are destructive and counter-productive to our daily lives. Why do we make them little gods? We already have God, and there is the liberal idea of separation of Church and State. Why do we let these little gods telling us what to do with their arbitrary moral value codes.

We need less of government in all of our life. If I was an emperor, I would undo almost everything that they created, FDIC, FHA, Fannie/Freddy, USPS, Amtrek, Department of Education, EPA, NEA, Product safety commission, NPR/PBS, community channels, FCC, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and many others.

All of these things stifles innovation because everybody is boxed in, there are no rooms to innovate and to stretch.

This is why big-government is dangerous. Because these government theocrats push their arbitrary values that has no fundamental basis onto rest of us. Their values are "whatever!" values, thus they really have no values because in order for something to have value, they have to have fixed standard, which they don't have. Everything are always moving & living and breathing. All of the aforementioned government agencies are the products of their arbitrary theologies that are hurting this country and the world - the world depends on USA.

The patent itself is something I do not dislike but the idea of who is granting the patent is absurd. The patent should be granted by the market. The market should dictate what is patentable, not some unanswerable bureaucrats.

The peer-review causes things to bubble up and bubble down. The market place picks the winners and losers. We need to let the free market play out instead of socially engineered bureaucrats engineering our lives.

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