Friday, July 23, 2010

Another step into a direction for individual liberty by this White House.

How cute... The name of their new edict is titled, "Paycheck Fairness Act." This is how they are going to collect employee data, sex, race, and national origin. If the sex, race, and culture do not matter, everything being all equal, why collect them. Obviously, they think one is greater than the other. So, they are going to promote one sex over another, one race over another, one age group over another. This is what racism is... Anything that's labeled as "fairness" is based on racism, preselected determined outcome by few at the top at the center. Thus, variable X should follow the path that's right for the variable X. So, if you are a black, you should follow the path for the blacks. If you are an Asian, you should follow the path that's right for the Asians. Companies should have be x number of Asians, y number of blacks, and so on. I can't wait until they preselect kids to become gymnasts and other type of athletes. We are going to have more golds. So, the government can pay off its debts. After they win, the White House can have more parties along with its celebutard friends. Annual White House correspondents dinner would be bit more bling-ed. Maybe, they will give away free iPods with the President's speech in them. I hope they liked them as much as the Queen of UK liked them. Would they be worth more if those were actioned off on eBay?

These people are playing their version the Sim City and the Sims with our lives. They want to control every part of our lives as possible. They already tell us how we should flush our toilets, what kind of light bulbs we should use, and type of papers we should use to wipe asses. The level of control freakness is just crazy. These people can't leave others alone. Isn't this a psychological problem, wanting to control others? This is really insidious. While conservatives out law certain acts but.. these bans do not cost people their time/life. Also, often, there are no previous acts in which the cost can be measured. Meaning, prohibitions rarely have cost associated with them because these prohibitions were not sanctioned before either explicitly or implicitly. Goodness of these bans isn't important as much as whether these bans cost people time/life. In Contrast, when these people pass laws, they do cost people's time/life. A real difference.... The difference here is that these laws make people permanent indenture servants of the state. This is because, people are constantly giving away their money, which is personal time bartered against the services provided by each person(s). Reduction of personal time/life/money/property reduces person's ability to take risks on their own, thus happiness. Happiness is a risk-based value, and these laws diminishes the pursuit of happiness part of this culture. These laws almost never end. Often, more laws are added to them.. to cover up the previous laws that are obviously flawed.. and they pat themselves on the back how great job they have done with the new laws, and give themselves raises.

How would business go around laws like this? By out-sourcing.... These people don't ask unintended consequences...

When companies out-source.. these knuckle heads in congress are going to pass something akin to "out-source fairness act..." then.. companies will just fold the whole thing together and move out, making their products imports. This is how this White House wants to create jobs... This is their laser like focus on Jobs. Their fulgurated lasers are killing jobs.

Do they not have people who aren't communists or socialists? And they say they aren't socialists or communists... How else would you characterize this type of laws? This law certain isn't capitalist-based laws. Such heavy handed regulation kills jobs, innovations, and everything else that are associated with it while improving nothing.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Apple Inc burning up 500 million gallons of gasoline.

The Apple Inc is going to burn at least 500 million gallons of gasoline with this recall - Environmental Damage created by The Apple Inc.

The Apple Inc.. Ahh... Yes. The proverbial icon of liberalism. If I had to point out a single entity that represents many of the attributes that define liberalism, the point has to go to the Apple Inc. Why, you ask?

The Apple Inc. products are sold with the emotional zeal that has not seen before if you count out female products like the Summer Eve or the EPT. The Apple uses emotions to sell every products. The company has set itself as a zenith-er of all things are good and kind. One of these is the environment. You have seen their commercials. How they trout their products as energy efficient products. How, their products' battery lasts forever. Even on heavy porn video viewings, The Apple products can go on for tens of releases. They might have to be plugged while being seated. 'Oh, Extra Joy!' I hear... However, this is all about to change without many consumers not noticing... But, I am here to point this out very early... before anyone else does... Porque? Because.. "Yes I Can!"

The recent trouble the Apple had with the iPhone's reception issues would likely require recalls. According to the report, the Apple was told about the reception issue from the early inception of its design phase by its own antenna expert. [1] The Apple wanted to make the phone thin. So, they designed the antenna to wrap around the phone's outer edges. However, the Apple, Steve Job, the Smartest CEO named by the Fortune magazine ignored it. [2] Now, the Apple has to recall these phones. This means that the consumers have to drive back to the stores or ship out their phones. The phone has to be taken a part and be fixed. There aren't enough new Apple phones to go around even without this problem. The Apple might have bigger supply problems than before. The Apple may have very limited new iPhone inventory for sales. The man hour require to repair these phones, ship these phones, ship back these phones, and other related works require lots of energy. Some are estimating the cost to be around $1.5 billion US. [3]. This is like burning up 500 million gallons of gasoline at a cost of $3 per gallon. This is a real environmental damage that this Apple Jerky company is doing.

Ah... Yes,,.. it's all white... The Apple... where most things are white and whiter, and where few thing are rarely darker than white. No, I am not accusing The Apple dislikes non-white colors. I am suggesting that the Apple has a strong fetish for the color white. It's like a person only has white friends. The person has no dislikes of non-white friends. The person just has a strong fetish for friends who are white. Bam! Yes, It's a Magic....
[1] :