Thursday, November 3, 2011

Obama: God backs jobs plan

President Obama said that God backs his jobs plan.  Did God approve $800 billion shovel ready projects and Universal Health Care?  Did God approve raising of minimum wage?

Government spending crowds the market and takes the money from the market.  It causes market dis-allocation...  fewer consumer choices.

Universal Health Care raises the cost of doing business.  Prices of health care rises not because of pharmaceutical or insurance companies gouging people...  Every sector in our life where there is continual inflation of cost of goods and services, there is always a government in the middle.  Most of the time, this is due to government sanctioned monopolies - local utilities, energy, pharmaceutical, banking, insurance, health care, licenses, permits, fees, housing, regulation, school, etc...  also, note that the government regulations create higher barrier to entry.   Try to setup a bank, an energy company, a character school, or a construction company.. see how much government is involved before you make a $1.  Or, whether you can even setup a company.

Minimum wage raises the cost of doing business... and this hurts the minority and weak still labor force the most; thus, high unemployment rate among youths and minorities.  This is just a repeat... everybody knew this would happen because it happen before many times.

High debt lowers the currency valuation where it creates inflation due to the higher costs of goods and services passed down to consumers.  Thus, makes people poorer.  This is tax without government levying any new taxes.  Most cases, lower income people is hurt the most because their disposable income and delayed spending are much lower.  This is how government spending "helps" poor people by incurring huge debt while creating devaluation of their money.

Everything that the President is doing is making people's life worse, a real social oppression.  Not those fake kinds where gay people can't get married or people have to pay higher college tuition.  A generation of economic depression can last few cycles, thus making a family poor as a unit much longer.  In order to counter the distributed negative values, you  have to make up the absolute value of that negative plus some - a real drag.

Now that he is clinging to religions, I wonder whether he is going to cling to guns next.

This really isn't attack against the President Obama...  The President Obama will be gone in 1 or 5 years.  After he is gone, the effects of his creations will be still intact.  This is an attack against the idea that some how some government entities or people who are far removed from the actions know more and can make better decisions than people who are doing the actual work.  This is an attack against the idea where government is creating long lasting economic damages that creates real and serious social oppression.

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