Thursday, June 4, 2009

US Automobile Sales for May 2009

[Copyright 2009© by Russell S. Kim | Word Count: 1,085 | Created/Published Date: 6/4/2009 | ]

Auto sale's number, a mobility acquirement is one of the leading economic indicator, which I follow on monthly basis. At the current auto sales pace, US will have about 8 million. However, consequences of dooms of GM and Chrysler doom are unknown. Any acute oscillating sales numbers are not good indicator for next 24 to 36 months outcome. As GM has become the Government Motors with the government's insistent on higher CAFE standard, the US automakers will be in a weaker position. Partly, heavy cost of its legacy and on-going social welfare program costs of these automakers have force to rely on heavier cars. The cost is driven by the very notion that some entity should "take care of" some masses have placed these automakers in these situations which is very reminiscent of British automakers of 80s and S. Korean automaker's ongoing struggle with their militant unions. Thus as of last year, S. Korean automakers produced more cars from abroad than inside of S. Korea. The Hyundai Kia Automotive Group will have capacity to produce 1 million cars in US by year 2012. Like Honda, Toyota, Nissan, and other foreign automakers, labor cost is lower than the US automakers where they do not have unions, collectivists. This allows very flexible resources planning whereas the US automaker's cost due to over-burdensome costs have and are crippling their operations. The US government created regressive business environment with its willing accomplices in the media and the docile populace for US automakers to fail.

What drives people to push for higher CAFE standard? Do people think such edicts will relieve US from the dependence on fossil fuel? How would this allow President Obama's "Hope and Change" of "End Oil Dependency" to be realized? [1] USA uses 24.8 bbl/year per capita.[2] Over 40% of the US energy comes from petroleum. Only 6.8% of the energy comes from so-called renewable resources, which mainly comes from hydroelectric dams. This means almost no energy comes from the solar or wind power. The commercials where you see all these windmills and solar panels that appear on TV commercials during the election cycles are just pipe dreams. They are not reality. In 2006, Wind and Solar energy just occupied 0.8% of the total energy.[3]



In typical house with a small air-conditioner, you would need about 1,200 watts per hour.[4] If you only use air conditioner just ¼ of the time, this would be adjusted to 750 watts per hour. So, you would use 750 x 24 = 18,000 watt-hours per day or 18 kWh per day. In Texas, from January to December, an average solar radiation that is capable of feeding the solar radiation to the panel is about 4.79 hour per day. 18/5 = 3.6 or 3,600 watts. Multiply this by 1.15, it gives 4,140 watts of solar panel needs.[5] How much the solar panels alone will cost you? If you get 210 Watt Panel, you need 20 of these for $13,776, which does not include the battery and other essential controllers. According to various solar panel websites, setting up the panel will cost around $7 to $9 per watts. Therefore, for 4,140 watts, you will need $28,980 to $37,260. There are over 127,901,934 housing units in US as of 2007. [6] If every house had one of these things installed to realize the Hope and Change, it would cost $3,837,058,020,000 or $3.8 trillion. Maybe the President would pass an End of Oil Dependency Act where he would pass $3.8 trillion program, which he will have hard time controlling it like his $800 trillion + stimulus package where only 10% are actually going into the actual stimulus activities.


Now, this does not include cars. If the electricity were the fuel for cars, cost of the solar energy system would rise. For example, at best and liberal estimation, Tesla Roadster uses 53 kWh for 227 miles.[7] Therefore, a car driven for 12,000 mile per year, it would use 2,800 kWh or 234 kWh per month or $1,867 additional cost to the solar panel system for a single housing unit.


At 18 kWh consumption, Texans would pay about $1.76 per day @ $0.097 kWh rate. In 2001, an average household used 10,653 kWh per year.[9] This comes about $1033.341 or $86.11175. If this figure were a base for the cost analysis, $30,000 expenditure on solar panel would require 29 years just to break even. By then, the world's technology would have advanced significantly. Such panel would look like an audio cassette deck system. Average electricity consumption in USA from 1949 to 2005 has risen at 5.6% a year. Meeting the growing need of energy needs is one of the primary method in which people are better off than they were before. The government's insistent on stifling this very need in order to realize their wanton fantasy is destructive and regressive.


Where would they propose to place all these panels? Apparently, nowhere. Recently, Senator DiFi of California [D] begged that no solar panels to be placed in the Mojave Desert by raising NIMBYs in which the anemic Governator responded by saying, "If we cannot put solar power plants in the Mojave desert, I don't know where the hell we can put it." [10] They want all of the benefits without any cost. This is how these people work.


You see folks; there is no Hope and Change. The Hope and Change is a nicer word for the Doom and Gloom. Everywhere you turn where you hear their complaints, stories, wants, desires, and others, they are filled with doom and gloom. The declaration of "hope" is a dream. It is neither something that has been realized nor will likely be realized. Rich people do not say, 'I hope to be rich someday.' Wise do no declare themselves as educated. In economics, I cannot think of very many liberal economic policies that have improved lives. Their policies are the sister of fascism, Marxism, and socialism. The record is very clear, as we know today. As of 2009, places where government is absent from our lives, people are better off. Places where government has heavy hand in it people are worse off. (I am echoing the statement of Milton Friedman) I think we should strive for betterment, not regression in the name of progress by the progressives who holds no progressive ideas. Would these progressives leave people and this country alone if we give them drugs, entertainments, and sex? No, they will not. They will simply discover new things which they can direct their complaints. That is how they work.



[1, Obama pledges to end oil dependency | 8/29/2008 : ]

[2, US Oil Usage: ]

[3, US Energy Sources: ]

[4, Solar PVWatt: ]

[5, Solar kWh cost:]

[6, Number of houses in Texas :]

[7. Tesla Roadster: ]

[8. Energy Usage from 1949 to 2006: ]

[9. Electricity Usage Per House Hold in 2001: ]

[10. Senator Diane Feinstein. No Solar on Mojave Desert:]

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It never cedes to amaze me how people get offended so easily. I have lost my ability to act incredulous over ever expanding base of “I am offended.” Today, almost everyone gets offended just for the fun of it. These self-anointed victims pigeon hole themselves into a coveted victimhood. Their arbitrary and ever oscillation unconstrained and uncontrolled emotional states leads them into the hole. It is like a person volunteering to become a crime victim while everything being just the all-imaginary to these self-anointed victims. Such acting is just downright obnoxious and masochistic. They have a place of beliefs, it is called, The Church of Drama Queen of I am ever-so-offended Insanes.

At this church, members act out with incredibly high outrage without causations during the service. Often, you will hear members practice such acts while getting up and down for no reasons. They have a person called the Queenstor. The Queenstor’s main job is to lead its member to the everlasting Drama Queendom where people nag, bitch, and moan incessantly. They have their own study guide called Book of Queens. It contains all the principles which guide these members to become the destined full fledge Drama Queens. As they practice acting out with ever increasing outrages, the members progress into higher ranked & filed members of this church. During this duration, they go from the mere amateur and novice actors to full fledge high performing Drama Queens. Once they become the Drama Queens after achieve the Drama Queenhood, there is no limit to what they can be offended by; let it be a simple object to some burger commercial, their instant outrage queue is always ready for duties, “Yes, Ma’am!”

At this point, their highly trained and focused Emodar is ready to pick up any slight vibration of all encompassing real and imaginary thoughts. They can pick and chose potential outrageous thoughts during this selection process. This activity may be seen as a purely random process by the outside observers. However, for the Drama Queens, this can be very emotionally rewarding experience. Once they picked up the vibration, they go into full fledge Drama Queen Mode by listing offensive thoughts to its chosen ones. They sometimes call for sisters for rancorous chorus for 7.1 Dolby effects. Sometimes, these special Drama Queens become a member of Ever-Annoying Choir singers for the church. They do this until the target gives up to apologize. However, when the target does not give up, the Drama Queen takes the next best step. It is to bitch and moan relentlessly to other potential targets within their search and drama area. They repeat during their whole life until someone smacks some sense into them.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rethinking the “Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake” Reuter headline.

By Russell S. Kim


Science, Reality, and Political Decisions


Today on a link of the Reuter Story that headlined. Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake. If you were just an on looker or what the Floridians like to call a Rubber-Necker, you would think that this was a case, and an immediate indignation of politicians would naturally follow. The natural reactions to this story might have been:


Some religious nut job who was an anti-Science caused this.

Some right wing politicians did not heed the warning of the scientists

Politicians ignored the science again.


However, after digging the story further, these assumptions had mixed results. Typically, the earth quake prediction turns out be a very inaccurate science.[1] The scientists have been trying to predict the earth quakes various ways.[2] The scientists have a very strong natural incentives to find such methods. Imagine the scientists who comes up with the methods, the Nobel Prize is ahead for the very person. In addition, the such method would forever have the name of the founders, the Giuliani's method, if the seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani pioneered the such method.


The major of L'Aquila is Massimo Cialente was elected as a major on May 2007 from the center-left party, The Union, which is the part of the Democratic Party Coalition. The Major is a former physician and a medical researcher. [3,4] Thus, he was one of the experts of science. He most likely was not a strong religious politician. Here is USA, most democratic politicians have relative hostile view of religion and constituencies largely have negative and anti-religious view, often using Christian values as polemical devices to attack Christians in order to ameliorate one's political career and the party. Traditionally, European's center-left view on Christianity has been much more hostile than American's counterpart. [5,6] However, the Americans are getting there for the giddyup-idness of the Europeans and the collectivists.


The reality is that the seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani, who have predicted the earthquake and sounded the alarmed from his vans might and might not have been right. There was no way of knowing that his prediction would come into calamity. However, this warning was based on the recent scientific studies during last 10+ years that suggests some correlation between the earthquake and radon gas concentration. [7] However, note that unlike lot of other scientific area, earthquake science's ability to warn of near immediate earthquake is bad. It is often the scientific data of this sort pan out not to be correct. The earthquake predictions and their failure to materialized are too numerous to mention. However, one certainty we have as of today is that the earthquake is and has been almost impossible to predict so far.


Like all scientific studies, many of these have to be measured and need to have relatively consistent results in order for them to be validated. After all, a science is a study of observation and recording. Theories and Hypothesis have to be proven and able to be repeated many times with the very similar, if not the same results. [8] The problem with the earthquake science is that, earthquake just cannot be made by the scientists who study them. So, only time when their scientific assumptions are tested is when the real thing happens. It seems that radon gas measurement is one of the latest technique that seismologist uses to detect and study earthquakes.


This is like lot of natural science we face today. What was once deemed to be a solid theory turn out not to be the truth. Often, the more modern data is dismissed and those who hold these theories likes a religious belief become very hostile toward the new scientific ideas, theories, and results. This is rightly so since there is so much riding on hostile people's economy. Often, these people, the truth may or may not matter at all. They hold their life to their dogma. If the sky turns out not to be made out of silver and the x-scientists and the believer of such theories holds the theory as the truth and oppose the newer knowledge, what are we to make of such people? Such scientists are not scholar; rather a hack and those who subscribed to the disproven theories are just lemmings and trolls.


According to the book "The Big One", Radon is a radioactive gas that is emitted into earth atmosphere where it has 3.8 days of half-life. [9] It says "Studies made in the vicinity of faults have found unusual high concentration of radon, and its isotops thoron… they found a gradual increase in concentrations until the time of the earth quake. After the earth quake occurs, radon emission decreases rapidly…" If this pan out to be true for the Italian Earth quake, we would have additional data that can validate the radon gas theory. This may and may not mean that this is the answer to predicting the earthquake for sure. However, this data does add to the Radon Gas theory credibility. The scientist who made the earthquake prediction was (likely) relying on this theory and he warns others based on this theory.


The seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani had lot of guts to warn this of impending disaster.

"Vans with loudspeakers had driven around the town a month ago telling locals to evacuate their houses after seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani predicted a large quake was on the way, prompting the mayor's anger." The action might have put his career on the line, and if the thing did not panned out, he would have been another tin-foiled leader if the reputation of such positions or study was highly regarded. In reality, there is way of knowing the fate of such a person. One sure thing is that his prediction was based on the relatively recent data and goes against the conventional earthquake prediction patterns. Although, we cannot disregard the past data, it is also unwise to disregard the most recent data based on radon gas. I think one of the valuable lesson we have learned from this Italian experience was that the there is some validity to the Radon Gas theory.


"As the media asked questions about the authorities' alleged failure to safeguard the population ahead of the quake, the head of the National Geophysics Institute dismissed Giuliani's predictions." Apparently, appointed experts of the NGI dismissed the Giuliani's prediction. Is he a political appointee or a appointment of scientific committees based on ones merit and depth of experiences. Was he just a scientific organizer or did he actually do something tangible? In addition, would the media have been chastising and ridiculing the major if the major followed through the warnings of the Giuliani and the earth quake did not panned out? Would the media gone after the scientist for making such a prediction? It is likely that the media would have created some story that may and may been dramatic. The media largely do not hold the fidelity to the truths; rather, it focuses on its image from the viewers. Although, the media has stake in popularity and ad revenue, it is more import for media to keep its image intact as an every hyperbolic, every suave, bipolar-like, and manic windows of its audiences. Therefore, in order to keep their tradition, they would have created a story to meet their traditional and ever-so desired images.


"Every time there is an earthquake there are people who claim to have predicted it," he said. "As far as I know nobody predicted this earthquake with precision. It is not possible to predict earthquakes.""

This statement is true so far.


The Reuter story concludes with the statement "We have earthquakes but then we forget and do nothing. It's not in our culture to take precautions or build in an appropriate way in areas where there could be strong earthquakes,"


It is often the case of the politicians where the conflict of their visions collides with the reality and the science. The politicians, even with all of their good intentions, even their intentions do not amount to anything where the intentions bring negative productivities into the masses, looks out to gain political capital regardless of the situation, topic, or plight of anyone whom they seek to help. They could be from China, USA, France, or even Italy, almost all the politicians' face with the collision course with the reality and science.


What do most politicians do, especially those who are unconstrained by the reality and the science, they act independently from the present and past data. They would likely to disregard the data because the data is too binding and restrictive to the politicians' goal of maintaining people under their thumbs. Their intentions are always said to good and never to be questioned. They will say, we need to keep the social harmony or they say the data is "spreading alarm."


Another lesson in life where the intentions of x person do not matter what so ever and should be disregarded nothing more than a possible winning lottery number.


[1 General earth quake prediction and prediction inaccuracies : ]

[2 fuji research "Earth Quake Prediction" 08/1997

Earthquake Prediction


[3 Massimo Cialente]

[4: Massimo Cialente Wikipedia Entry: ]

[5: European Hostility to Christianity:

The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America, and Politics Without God,

0465092667 by George Weigel ]

[6: Assault on Christianity: ]

[7: Recent Radon-Gas Studies:

[source Soil gas radon as an earthquake precursor: some considerations on data improvement: ]

[8: Science defined by Wikipedia : ]

[9: "The Big One" The Next Great California Earthquake: Why, Where, and When It Will Happen. A comprehensive reference on how to assess potential earthquake and tsumani risks

0970972504, page 95 ]

[10: Original Story "Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake

" :"


Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake

06 Apr 2009 11:22:00 GMT

Source: Reuters

By Gavin Jones

ROME, April 6 (Reuters) - An Italian scientist predicted a major earthquake around L'Aquila weeks before disaster struck the city on Monday, killing dozens of people, but was reported to authorities for spreading panic among the population.

The first tremors in the region were felt in mid-January and continued at regular intervals, creating mounting alarm in the medieval city, about 100 km (60 miles) east of Rome.

Vans with loudspeakers had driven around the town a month ago telling locals to evacuate their houses after seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani predicted a large quake was on the way, prompting the mayor's anger.

Giuliani, who based his forecast on concentrations of radon gas around seismically active areas, was reported to police for "spreading alarm" and was forced to remove his findings from the Internet.

Italy's Civil Protection agency held a meeting of the Major Risks Committee, grouping scientists charged with assessing such risks, in L'Aquila on March 31 to reassure the townspeople.

"The tremors being felt by the population are part of a typical sequence ... (which is) absolutely normal in a seismic area like the one around L'Aquila," the civil protection agency said in a statement on the eve of that meeting.

"It is useful to underline that it is not in any way possible to predict an earthquake," it said, adding that the agency saw no reason for alarm but was nonetheless effecting "continuous monitoring and attention".

As the media asked questions about the authorities' alleged failure to safeguard the population ahead of the quake, the head of the National Geophysics Institute dismissed Giuliani's predictions.

"Every time there is an earthquake there are people who claim to have predicted it," he said. "As far as I know nobody predicted this earthquake with precision. It is not possible to predict earthquakes."

Enzo Boschi said the real problem for Italy was a long-standing failure to take proper precautions despite a history of tragic quakes.

"We have earthquakes but then we forget and do nothing. It's not in our culture to take precautions or build in an appropriate way in areas where there could be strong earthquakes," he said.


What President Bush gave to the UK Dignitaries on 2007

Raymond P. Martinez (Chief of Protocol):

Good afternoon everyone. Thank you very much for having me on "Ask the White House." I look forward to talking with you today about the Office of the Chief of Protocol and what our role is for the President. We are responsible for many activities including the planning, hosting, and officiating of ceremonial events for visiting chiefs of state and heads of government, as well as coordinating logistics for the visits. We also manage Blair House, the President's guesthouse, and oversee all protocol matters for Presidential, Vice Presidential and Presidential delegation trips abroad. As you know, The President and Mrs. Bush welcomed Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, for a State Visit yesterday at the White House....


Tyrone, from Florida writes:

Hon. Mr. Martinez, Thank your for taking our questions. Her Majesty, Elizabeth such a grand woman. I am glad that she was able to make the trip to the "colonies." I would like to know what official gift was presented to her by the President and what gift she present to the President and the American people on behalf of her many subjects?


Raymond P. Martinez:

Tyrone, the principals conducted a leader to leader gift exchange in the Red Room of the White House immediately after the arrival ceremony. President and Mrs. Bush gave Her Majesty a bronze statuette "High Desert Princess" with a personal inscription on the bottom of the base. It is a replica of the original life size statue that is located in front of the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame in Ft. Worth, Texas.


President and Mrs. Bush gave The Prince Philip an exclusive sterling silver eagle box by Tiffany & Co. with personal inscription on the inside lid.


President and Mrs. Bush gave Their Majesties a leather presentation box filled with a collection of documents from the National Archives. One of the items was a copy of an original letter from President Roosevelt to her father, King George, written in 1938. There were also photos from previous royal visits and a DVD of the footage from the Queen's visit to the United States when she was Princess Elizabeth in 1951.


Their Majesties gave President Bush a sterling silver oversized plate by William & Son with gold seals including: the Presidential seal, the Royal seal and a center seal with the star of Texas surrounded by roses. There was a personal inscription on the back of the plate. They gave Mrs. Bush a gold and crystal clock with the Royal seal by William & Son.

The Office of the Chief of Protocol assists the President and First Lady in the selection and presentation of gifts to foreign leaders.



The Barack the not-so-giving and the thoughtless.

By Russell S. Kim



Not everybody is a giver. So, those who can't give sometimes can consult on others what he or she would give as a gift. That is why we have friends and family. Apparently, the Harvard graduate President Obama does not have anyone who can tell him or whom he can consult about gift giving. Maybe his teleprompter does have the programming for a gift giving function yet. I think we need a legislation called The America Gift Giving Assistant Act of 2009! Undoubtedly, this will have billions of dollars in porkulous spending from the both the Democratic and Republican party members.

The latest News from UK Telegraph has the article titled Barack Obama's gift for the Queen: an iPod, your Majesty. Unfortunately, she already had one. Maybe, somebody didn't tell him that she is the Queen and the iPod existed way before he was the senator or the President. [7] Why didn't the President Obama just give her a printer, an usb thumb drive, or … a stapler, at least it would have been easy… This is after he gave the UK Prime Minister unplayable and incorrect region-coded 25 DVDs while the UK Prime minister gave him and his family special gifts. [6]

  • Pen holder from the oak timber of HMS Gannet, a Navy vessel that served on anti-slavery missions off Africa.
  • A framed commissioning paper for the HMS Resolute, a Royal Navy shipt that came to symbolize British-American goodwill when it was rescued by the U.S. from icebergs and given to Queen Victoria. It is the sister ship of the HMS Gannet.
  • A first edition of Martin Gilbert's seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill, whose World War II partnership with President Franklin Roosevelt symbolized the U.S.-Anglo alliance.
  • An outfit from Topshop, a British chain of clothing stores, and selected six children's books by British authors which have yet to be published in the U.S. to two of The President's children.


This isn't just forgetting things or a case of someone who just does not know how to give gifts. This is the behavior of someone who is very thoughtless and who rarely gives things to anyone. We know people like this in our lives. They take things from others but rarely give. They accuse others of being selfish and greedy while advocating and pressing for the coercive wealth transfer.


From the year 2000 to 2004, the President Obama gave charitable donation at the rate of 0.88% of his income. This rate would have been lower if he didn't have sense to raise charitable donation after he was seated for the US senate seat. He increased his giving rate to 4.7% and 6.1% rate for 2005 and 2006. [1]


With the the Vice President Biden, this charitable giving rate gets worse. From 1998 to 2007, the Vice President Biden gave approximately $3,700 to charities. His wife and his annual income was around $3,200,000 during that time. This is 0.0116%. [2]


It is always the least of the givers who tell others how much to give. It is always the least generous, least "liberal," least charitable, and least loving of humanity who preaches others do something they do not practice. And those who are least charitable shouldn't label themselves as a liberal, since there is nothing liberal about them. [10] And what's alarming about all these characters is that they are all wealthy while they claim they care about the poor. This is well documented by the Author Brooks's book Who Really Cares. [9]


Jesus said, But there is a second to set alongside it: Love others as well as you love yourself in book of Matthew 22:39, The Message. [11] People express this Christian call by donating their money and/or time. An income is a product of individual's labor and time. The idea that someone who doesn't believe in this ideal tells others how much people should give is dubious. If an individual does not have money to give, then the one can volunteer time. Nonetheless, those who does not voluntarily give their own properties use the government's insidious coercive power to take other citizens' properties in order to transfer to their selected group is even more incredulous. The very thing which they have no commitments on or convictions for, they force everybody to follow those very commitments which they are not willing to have or to keep. This is what the Presidency of Obama represents for me.


There is nothing liberal about the President Obama. He is creating a bigger government, a kingdom where King's minister takes others' properties and do whatever they please to do with these money while they pay the least for these very actions. The king divides products of citizen's labor in order to pass out the officially confiscated properties to his selected deserving group based on king's arbitrary standardless standards. Why is it that most of the President Obama's major political appointees have had tax problems? I can't remember anything of this sort from the past Presidents. The very thing they actually believe, the bigger government and the importance of taxes, they all fail to do. Even the IRS chief (the chief tax collector, the secretary of treasury) is a tax cheat. [3] He is an account after all. How can an accountant not know how to calculate his own taxes? Then on Jaunary 21, 2009, he blamed the problem on his uses of the "Turbo Tax" for his unpaid taxes. [4] How does the Vice President Joe Biden feel about a tax cheater whom they hired as IRS chief? Apparenly, Timothy Geithner is not patrioitic. [5]


By the way, don't the President and the Vice President go to churches? One of them go to a very wrong church. There are many ways to wish for God to damn America. Having a thoughtless President of the country is one of the ways.





President Obama's Tax Record: [1]


The Vice President Biden's Tax Record: [2]


Tax problem with Timothy Geithner [3]


Timothy Geithner Blames Turbo Tax: [4]


Paying tax is patriotic: [5]


The President Obama and the Prime Minister Brown Gift exchange: [6]


Barack Obama's gift for the Queen: an iPod, your Majesty [7]


Who Gives and Who Doesn't? [8]


Who Really Cares: [9]


Religious Faith and Charitable Giving [10]


Matthew 22:37 [11]


About the author:


Russell Kim


The Content deals with the idea of giving and why people who are not givers shouldn't force others to give up properties by government's coercive edicts.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

My response to one of the commenter at Business Week

This just how people are.

You are making assumptions based on what?  Do you have a data to show that shows Hyundai cars are piling up at the ship yards?  

According to Automotive News, Hyundai has 79 day supplies.  In comparison, GM has 161, Chrysler has 151, Honda has 151, and Toyota has 91 days of inventory. [1]   

You state that "Hyundai dealerships were closing all over before this recession."  Can you name three dealerships that were closed before the recession?  If they were closed down, closings were due to other reasons.   The Hyundai sales' figure hasn't declined in relative to its past.  Thus, in order for some dealerships to go out of business is if their sales number were significantly lower than the past to the point where the stopping the operation was more beneficial than incurring loss within some time period. [4,5] In fact, this very article states that the figure -4.8% is comparison to the all-time-high figure of last year.

Also, if you were wondering if Hyundai is using the rental fleet number into their sales figure, why don't you find out?  You have a doubts whether people are buying Hyundai cars?  If you had any curiosity, you would have known that Hyundai sold more Genesis (1,626) than Acura sold its RL, 161. [2,3] I can stipulate that People are buying Hyundai through this fact alone instead of your assumption that they are renting these cars.  

So many people know so many things that aren't so.  People just dream up things as if 1 + 1 = 5.  The statement made by "LA Guy" isn't just a simple and naive misunderstanding or some other factors, but it is close to being an illiterate or delusional.

[1: automotive news: March 2009, ]
[2: Hyundai April 2009 Sales number, ]
[3. Acura April 2009 Sales number, ]
[4. McConnell-Brue's Principles of Microeconomics, 0072875615  Page 178. "Shut Down Case" ]
[5. "Economics, European Edition." "Short Term Production Decision" 0716799561 p.223]


- Effigies.  who burns effigies and the history of effigies
- consciensus.  in what condition is this created and why?  what are the consequences of the decisions based on consensus 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Car Sales

Car Sales Table

Car Sales Chart

My Reflection on the Motown Photo.

This picture looks lot like the communist Russia, a big fancy building surrounded by not so fancy buildings. You see, many American corporations are largely owned by the government, a collection of collectivists, meaning that large part of their work goes directly to the government payment of any levels.

Here is the breakdown: [1]
- 35% Corporate Tax
- 7.5 % Social Security Tax
- 1.4 % Medicare Tax
- x % of government regulation compliance cost
- x % of accounting and tax adjustment cost (2001, US corporations spent $550 billion for the cost associated with paying for calculating taxes)
- x % of state and local taxes.

Then, you add the Union contracts for the US automakers’ on their costly cakes.
New flash: If you are forced to make payments to some entities, and those entities can you put you jail with their sanctioned police force, they own you.

With all the costs that US automakers have to bare to ease its appeasement groups and the government of all levels, the government essentially owns large product of US automakers' labor. You see how fancy the building looks. This is largely built by the privately owned and publicly accountable american corporation. It is the sign of vitality and energy.

What other buildings are just as fancy?

Answer: Hospitals, state universities, and government buildings

Visit one of your local universities that are built within last 10 years. Some of them have marble floors and have plasma screens right in front of their building to announce some arbitrary things for no reasons. I these self-labeled “educated” people are not going green after all. The florescent light bulbs can cause that sometimes, their medical doctors should into that.

In Houston, one can go through the "medical center” to see such glorious examples. All these supposedly "non-profits" hospitals have fancy buildings. The medical center also has this PETRONAS Twin Tower looking like building. Many companies I have worked for do not have fancy buildings like these I-hate-money types. I think every time the medical center ejaculates new fancy building directly into our sights, my company replaces its carpeting, I guess stains accumulate over times and they don’t' go away. You can dry clean carpets either.

The former Democratic Presidential hopeful John Edward was right about the two Americas. One America is where you have collectivists, quasi-collectivists, and those moderates who are easily sway by the popular sentiment with their very flexible versatility of conviction has set up this ever growing the machine called the government with ever growing urbanization where they build their transportation system called light rails and buses. They also conveniently build large parks with expensive art works. In addition, they either partially or wholly benefits from the all levels of government entity that is beyond the police, fire, and emergency needs. However, there are people who support this collectivist movement in order to nurture their emotional states. They equate that government is helping people. However, they do not know any proof of such helping unless they equate the helping as a how money they can make government to spend on their behalf, while they complain about how government does not do this or that all the time incessantly. As of 2008, government spending is at $3 trillion. If $3 trillion is not enough for them, more money will not satisfy these never greedy, ever giving, never selfish, and thoughtful folks. It is projected that for the year 2009, the US government is going to outlay $12 trillion for various form of government programs.

Then there is another America, they live their live mostly quietly pursuing their own self-interests to make best of themselves. They have obligations and commitments to follow. They go to churches, synagogues, and temples to observe their beliefs. They rarely demonstrate or complain. Most of the time, they are not politically involved due to their busy life. What this America does not know is that the other collectivists America is confiscating their time in order to fulfill collectivists’ dreams.

Soon, all America might resemble the Motown picture. I hope not. In the age of Hope and Change, I am not so hopeful.


Corporate tax: [1]
MoTown Picture:
Houston Medical Center Picture:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Barack the not-so-giving and the thoughtless.

By Russell Kim

Not everybody is a giver. So, those who can’t give sometimes can consult others what he or she would give as a gift. That’s why we have friends and family. Apparently, the Harvard graduate President Obama does not have anyone who can tell him or whom he can consult about gift giving. Maybe his teleprompter does have the programming for a gift giving function yet. I think we need a legislation called The America Gift Giving Assistant Act of 2009! Undoutably, this will have billions of dollars in porkulous spending from the both the Democratic and Republican party members.
The latest News from UK Telegraph has the article titled Barack Obama's gift for the Queen: an iPod, your Majesty. Unfortunately, she already had one. Maybe, somebody didn’t tell him that she is the Queen and the iPod existed way before he was the senator or the President. Why didn’t the President Obama just give her a printer, a usb thumb drive, or … a stapler, at least it would have been easy… This is after he gave the UK Prime Minister unplayable and incorrect region-coded 25 DVDs while the UK Prime minister gave him and his family special gifts.
• Pen holder from the oak timber of HMS Gannet, a Navy vessel that served on anti-slavery missions off Africa.
• A framed commissioning paper for the HMS Resolute, a Royal Navy shipt that came to symbolize British-American goodwill when it was rescued by the U.S. from icebergs and given to Queen Victoria. It is the sister ship of the HMS Gannet.
• A first edition of Martin Gilbert's seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill, whose World War II partnership with President Franklin Roosevelt symbolized the U.S.-Anglo alliance.
• An outfit from Topshop, a British chain of clothing stores, and selected six children's books by British authors which have yet to be published in the U.S. to two of The President’s children.

This isn’t just forgetting things or a case of someone who just does not know how to give gifts. This is the behavior of someone who is very thoughtless and who rarely gives things to anyone. We know people like this in our lives. They take things from others but rarely give. They accuse others of being selfish and greedy while advocating and pressing for the coercive wealth transfer.

With the the Vice President Biden, this charitable giving rate gets worse. From 1998 to 2007, the Vice President Biden gave approximately $3,700 to charities. His wife and his annual income was around $3,200,000 during that time. This is 0.0116%.

With the the Vice President Biden, this charitable giving rate gets worse. From 1998 to 2007, the Vice President Biden gave approximately $3,700 to charities. His wife and his annual income was around $320,000 a year. This is 0.0116%.

It is always the least of the givers who tell others how much to give. It is always the least generous, least “liberal,” least charitable, and least loving of humanity who preaches others do something they do not practice. And those who are least charitable shouldn’t label themselves as a liberal, since there is nothing liberal about them. And what’s alarming about all these characters is that they are all wealthy while they claim they care about the poor. This is well documented by the Author Brooks’s book Who Really Cares, ISBN-10: 0465008216

Jesus said, But there is a second to set alongside it: Love others as well as you love yourself in book of Matthew 22:39, The Message. [11] People express this Christian call by donating their money and/or time. An income is a product of individual’s labor and time. The idea that someone who doesn’t believe in this ideal tells others how much people should give is dubious. If an individual does not have money to give, then the one can volunteer time. Nonetheless, those who does not voluntarily give their own properties use the government’s insidious coercive power to take other citizens’ properties in order to transfer to their selected group is even more incredulous. The very thing which they have no commitments on or convictions for, they force everybody to follow those very commitments which they are not willing to have or to keep. This is what the Presidency of Obama respresents for me.

There is nothing liberal about the President Obama. He is creating a bigger government, aka a kingdom where King’s minister takes others’ properties and do whatever they please to do with these money while they pay the least for these very actions. The king divides up products of citizen’s labor in order to pass out the officially confiscated properties to his selected standardless standard deserving group. Why is it that most of the President Obama’s major political appointees have had tax problems? I can’t remember anything of this sort from the past Presidents. The very thing they actually believe, the bigger government and the importance of taxes, they all fail to do. Even the IRS chief ( the chief tax collector, the secretary of treasury ) is a tax cheat. He is an account after all? How can an accountant not know how to calculate his own taxes? Then on Jaunary 21, 2009, he blamed the problem on his uses “Turbo Tax” for his unpaid taxes. How does the Vice President Joe Biden feel about a tax cheater whom they hired as IRS chief? Apparenly, Timothy Geithner is not patrioitic.

By the way, don’t the President and the Vice President go to churches? One of them go to a very wrong church. There are many ways to wish for God to damn America. Having a thoughtless President of the country is one of the ways.

[This article has been rejected by the editor of the American Thinker. I just have to try it harder. My article wasn't competitive enough. ]