Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Reflection on the Motown Photo.

This picture looks lot like the communist Russia, a big fancy building surrounded by not so fancy buildings. You see, many American corporations are largely owned by the government, a collection of collectivists, meaning that large part of their work goes directly to the government payment of any levels.

Here is the breakdown: [1]
- 35% Corporate Tax
- 7.5 % Social Security Tax
- 1.4 % Medicare Tax
- x % of government regulation compliance cost
- x % of accounting and tax adjustment cost (2001, US corporations spent $550 billion for the cost associated with paying for calculating taxes)
- x % of state and local taxes.

Then, you add the Union contracts for the US automakers’ on their costly cakes.
New flash: If you are forced to make payments to some entities, and those entities can you put you jail with their sanctioned police force, they own you.

With all the costs that US automakers have to bare to ease its appeasement groups and the government of all levels, the government essentially owns large product of US automakers' labor. You see how fancy the building looks. This is largely built by the privately owned and publicly accountable american corporation. It is the sign of vitality and energy.

What other buildings are just as fancy?

Answer: Hospitals, state universities, and government buildings

Visit one of your local universities that are built within last 10 years. Some of them have marble floors and have plasma screens right in front of their building to announce some arbitrary things for no reasons. I these self-labeled “educated” people are not going green after all. The florescent light bulbs can cause that sometimes, their medical doctors should into that.

In Houston, one can go through the "medical center” to see such glorious examples. All these supposedly "non-profits" hospitals have fancy buildings. The medical center also has this PETRONAS Twin Tower looking like building. Many companies I have worked for do not have fancy buildings like these I-hate-money types. I think every time the medical center ejaculates new fancy building directly into our sights, my company replaces its carpeting, I guess stains accumulate over times and they don’t' go away. You can dry clean carpets either.

The former Democratic Presidential hopeful John Edward was right about the two Americas. One America is where you have collectivists, quasi-collectivists, and those moderates who are easily sway by the popular sentiment with their very flexible versatility of conviction has set up this ever growing the machine called the government with ever growing urbanization where they build their transportation system called light rails and buses. They also conveniently build large parks with expensive art works. In addition, they either partially or wholly benefits from the all levels of government entity that is beyond the police, fire, and emergency needs. However, there are people who support this collectivist movement in order to nurture their emotional states. They equate that government is helping people. However, they do not know any proof of such helping unless they equate the helping as a how money they can make government to spend on their behalf, while they complain about how government does not do this or that all the time incessantly. As of 2008, government spending is at $3 trillion. If $3 trillion is not enough for them, more money will not satisfy these never greedy, ever giving, never selfish, and thoughtful folks. It is projected that for the year 2009, the US government is going to outlay $12 trillion for various form of government programs.

Then there is another America, they live their live mostly quietly pursuing their own self-interests to make best of themselves. They have obligations and commitments to follow. They go to churches, synagogues, and temples to observe their beliefs. They rarely demonstrate or complain. Most of the time, they are not politically involved due to their busy life. What this America does not know is that the other collectivists America is confiscating their time in order to fulfill collectivists’ dreams.

Soon, all America might resemble the Motown picture. I hope not. In the age of Hope and Change, I am not so hopeful.


Corporate tax: [1]
MoTown Picture:
Houston Medical Center Picture:

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