Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It never cedes to amaze me how people get offended so easily. I have lost my ability to act incredulous over ever expanding base of “I am offended.” Today, almost everyone gets offended just for the fun of it. These self-anointed victims pigeon hole themselves into a coveted victimhood. Their arbitrary and ever oscillation unconstrained and uncontrolled emotional states leads them into the hole. It is like a person volunteering to become a crime victim while everything being just the all-imaginary to these self-anointed victims. Such acting is just downright obnoxious and masochistic. They have a place of beliefs, it is called, The Church of Drama Queen of I am ever-so-offended Insanes.

At this church, members act out with incredibly high outrage without causations during the service. Often, you will hear members practice such acts while getting up and down for no reasons. They have a person called the Queenstor. The Queenstor’s main job is to lead its member to the everlasting Drama Queendom where people nag, bitch, and moan incessantly. They have their own study guide called Book of Queens. It contains all the principles which guide these members to become the destined full fledge Drama Queens. As they practice acting out with ever increasing outrages, the members progress into higher ranked & filed members of this church. During this duration, they go from the mere amateur and novice actors to full fledge high performing Drama Queens. Once they become the Drama Queens after achieve the Drama Queenhood, there is no limit to what they can be offended by; let it be a simple object to some burger commercial, their instant outrage queue is always ready for duties, “Yes, Ma’am!”

At this point, their highly trained and focused Emodar is ready to pick up any slight vibration of all encompassing real and imaginary thoughts. They can pick and chose potential outrageous thoughts during this selection process. This activity may be seen as a purely random process by the outside observers. However, for the Drama Queens, this can be very emotionally rewarding experience. Once they picked up the vibration, they go into full fledge Drama Queen Mode by listing offensive thoughts to its chosen ones. They sometimes call for sisters for rancorous chorus for 7.1 Dolby effects. Sometimes, these special Drama Queens become a member of Ever-Annoying Choir singers for the church. They do this until the target gives up to apologize. However, when the target does not give up, the Drama Queen takes the next best step. It is to bitch and moan relentlessly to other potential targets within their search and drama area. They repeat during their whole life until someone smacks some sense into them.

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